Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cycling and the City

The dreary weather today is making me think nostalgically about last Saturday, a beautiful, crisp, sunny day - an ideal day for biking.

In case you didn't know, it's possible to cycle from Lost Lagoon all the way around Stanley Park to Science World (via English Bay and Yaletown) and end up at Granville Island without having to ride on the road. Last Saturday I set out to do this ride, one of my favourites.

I started at Lost Lagoon and caught site of an adorable racoon who walked right up to me as I took a photo. I think he's forgotten he's nocturnal. I looped Stanley Park on the seawall (counter-clockwise direction), dodging tandem-biking tourists and confused pedestrians in the bike lane. Third Beach was bustling with morning sun-seekers and even a swimmer brave enough to test the November water.

I cruised through Yaletown toward Science World. The sun's in your eyes the whole way there in the morning, but that doesn't stop me from speeding past slower cyclists. My favourite section is when the path passes a group of waterfront cafes. It's definitely an area to go slow, not only to avoid killing someone but because it's a prime people-watching spot. People of all ages lounge on heated patio sipping morning caesars and dining on some truly delicious-looking brunch. There are dogs all over the place, tied to the balcony railings and sniffing at their owners' meals. I can always pick up a few brief snatches of gossip as I pass by and it's almost always salacious and amusing.

From here it's not too much further on to the Edgewater Casino (another great spot for people watching, although I find the bleary-eyed people stumbling out of their depressing sometimes). In the summer you can see the tents of Cirque du Soleil just past the casino, but on a fall day there's just a big empty lot.

The next section of seawall is picturesque, but is not ideal for bikes because of the cobblestone in some sections of the seawall. Watch out - it's slippery and quite bumpy at times!

The path continues on to Granville Island where you can stop for a visit (bike parking is decent) or continue on through townhouses, duck ponds and dog parks. I turn off the seawall at the connector to the Burrard Street Bridge. Hey, we've got these great bike lanes, we might as well take advantage of them! It's a quick jaunt back across the bridge and I'm back downtown.

A perfect way to spend a couple hours on a perfect afternoon!

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